Metal Saga is a futuristic role-playing game that finds the world ruled by a sentient supercomputer called Noah and its mechanized minions. While Noah was eventually defeated by the remnants of humanity known as hunters, robots still overrun the land and threaten what is left of civilization. Players assume the role of an unnamed human survivor, who vows to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a hunter. To that end, play involves traveling to different towns and villages amidst the post-apocalyptic wasteland that serves as the game’s backdrop. Combat against rival machines primarily occurs inside vehicles such as tanks, with each side alternating turns and issuing commands via menus in classic console role-playing game fashion.
Genre: | RPG |
Release Month: | 4 |
Release Year: | 2006 |
Developer: | Crea-Tech |
Publisher: | Atlus |
Serial: | SLUS-21293 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |